Establish and implement company motto and policy

Leaders can have a strategic vision, but are not fully aware of the importance and devote their efforts to clearly communicate the vision to all levels to all employees.

How to help all subordinate employees be inspired, voluntarily live with that vision, dedicate their best efforts to it, and be able to actively set their own goals in line with the organization vision?

Understanding that, Joshin has researched and developed a special training program that enhances his/her stature and capacity so that the leader can lead themselves and their team.

Program “Establish and implement company motto and policy” for Directors, Head of Departments at FDI enterprises nationwide.

Hinh khoa hoc


Name of the course: Establish and implement company motto and policy
Object: Director, Head of Department
Training time: 2 – 3 days (designed as customer’s requirements)
Language: Vietnamese
Lecturers: Vietnamese
Forms of training: Inhouse or Public workshop
Training methods: Lecture presentation, discussion, and practice are organized in the classroom


  • Understand the management motto based on company policy.
  • Define the department motto by recognizing the department  current state.
  • Identify solutions based on the guideline and come up with an implementation plan.


1. Understand the policy motto and draw the ideal state

  • Manager’s roles and responsibilities
  • Overview of company motto implementation
  • Understand policy and draw ideal states
  • Practice: Build ideal states and collect current status data

2. Determine the target area from the current state

  • Identify the difference between idea and reality
  • Identify the target area
  • Set the goal and make a plan of development
  • Practice: Define the target area and choose the topic

3. Select methodology and prepare scripting for the implementation

  • List method ideas and choose the appropriate method
  • Develop the script
  • Estimate benefits, compared to the target
  • Practice: Develop an implementation methodology and script

4. Estimate benefit with risk, develop action plan

  • Identify risks and take countermeasures
  • Complete settlement of benefits and develop plans
  • Practice: Develop implementation and approval plans

5. Management orientation

  • Planning and PDCA circle
  • Method of solving the problem
  • Practice: Develop PDCA plan and problem solving skills

6. Confirm the results and standardization

  • Confirm the results and standardization
  • Make logical reports
  • Practice: Complete the report

7. Select the follow-up topic and report the results

  • Present to report the results of implementing motto policy

8. Course review, action plan and certification


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