Corporate behavioral culture
Corporate behavioral culture becomes more important and is one of the decisive factors to the long-term survival of that company. However, many Vietnamese enterprise(s) have never focused on building and strengthening corporate behavioral culture resulting in serious such consequences as:
- Making employees lose their confidence in the enterprise(s): A negative culture makes employees lose their trust in the organization and they do not want to build friendly relationships in the companie(s).
- Employee’s attachment to the enterprise(s) will be decreased: When employees feel that they do like their work, needs such as communication, respect, self-affirmation…not being built will lead to depression, less work efficiency and lack attachment to the enterprise(s).
Never underestimate the corporate culture, as this factor sometimes determines the success or failure of the whole company. Enroll the training course “Corporate behavioral culture” right now!

Name of the course: Corporate behavioral culture
Object: Deputy department, managers, supervisors, group leaders, etc.
Training time: 2 – 3 days (designed as customer’s requirements)
Language: Vietnamese
Lecturers: Vietnamese
Forms of training: Inhouse or Public workshop
Training methods: Lecture presentation, discussion, and practice are organized in the classroom
- To understand the importance of corporate behavioral culture
- To build positive and healthy corporate behavioral culture
- To equip effective communication skills with DISC
- Thoroughly aware of one’s own role in the team, understand the corporate values
- To encourage employees to give initiatives, ideas…to improve work efficiency.
1. What is corporate behavioral culture?
- Learning about corporate culture
- What is corporate behavioral culture?
2. Benefits of building corporate behavioral culture
- Building corporate images
- Building corporate cultural identity
3. Forming corporate behavioral culture
- 4S model of corporate behavioral culture
- Personal respect
- Standing on the other’s point of view
- Listening skills: a key for successful communication
4. Practice on behavioral conduct
"No one wants to work in a company with bad culture."
"Work with peace of mind if everyone in the company is united and helps each other."
"This training course is very important, each leader should know."