Time management skills

Same property of 24 hours a day, some people always seem to have enough time to do everything they want – while others hustle from tasks to tasks, having difficulty getting anything done.

To know your current time management is effective or not, trying answering the following questions:

  • Do you have time to do things you enjoy?
  • Are you always in a rush and often late?
  • Do you often cancel interesting activities outside of work because you are too busy?
  • Do you always feel there is a lack of time in the day?
  • Are you frustrated and impatient?

If you have ever asked any of the above questions in your heart, learn more about “Time management skills”

Hinh khoa hoc


Name of the course: Time management skills
Object: Employees, workers, and interns
Training time: 2 – 3 days (designed as customer’s requirements)
Language: Vietnamese
Lecturers: Vietnamese
Forms of training: Inhouse or Public workshop
Training methods: Lecture presentation, discussion, and practice are organized in the classroom


  • Recognize waste of time and devise strategies to eliminate them.
  • Understand and know how to apply time management tools and techniques to optimize work efficiency.


1. Overview of Time and time management

  • What are you doing with a 24 hour day?
  • Why must we manage time effectively?
  • Practice: Tests how you use your time

2. 6 principles for effective time management

  • Principle of pickles box
  • Parkinson’s Principle
  • The 80:20 Rule
  • SMART Principles
  • First thing first rule
  • POMODORO Principles

3. Make a time management plan

  • Set goals (SMART) and manage targets according to (M.B.O)
  • Identify and analyze resources
  • Set up work schedule by week, month, quarter, year
  • Practice: Make monthly detailed plan of work

4. Time management tools and techniques

  • Time management matrix:
  • Quadrant I: Important and urgent;
  • Quadrant II: Important and not urgent;
  • Quadrant III: Not important and urgent;
  • Quadrant IV: Not important and not urgent
  • Introducing a number of popular tools and time management software

5. Course review, action plan, and certification


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