Logic communication – Ho-ren-sou
Horenso is one of the most important rules in Japanese companies in which all employees are trained. Why?
Because workers and employees in the company often have the following problems:
- Do to report their work progress to co-workers or superiors.
- Work reports are periphrastic, cumbersome, and confusing, not focused on issues.
- Employees do not understand each other, resulting in ineffective work.
- Logical communication skills in business are seriously insufficient, such as Reading – Listening – Speaking – Writing
The course “Logic Communication and Horenso” will help employees improve communication problems in the working environment.

Name of the course: Logic communication – Ho-ren-sou
Object: Employees, workers, and interns
Training time: 2 – 3 days (designed as customer’s requirements)
Language: Vietnamese
Lecturers: Vietnamese
Forms of training: Inhouse or Public workshop
Training methods: Lecture presentation, discussion, and practice are organized in the classroom
- Actively report, contact, and discuss in the daily work.
- Actively propose solutions, seek the advice of superiors as well as related people to find out solutions in a timely and effective manner.
1.Difficulty and importance of Ho-Ren-So
- Good communication is not about “delivered or not”, but “understood or not”
- Difficulty of communication, typical mistakes
- Before workshop test
- Practice for understanding difficulty in communication
2.READ: Understand logical structure of the document
- Analyze and visualize logical structure of the document
- Technique to read document (PQ4R)
- Reading practice (in team)
- Reading practice (in class by team)
3.LISTEN: Listen questions not being told
- Without prejudice listen by using whole senses
- Better listening technique (Active listening)
- Listening practice (in team)
- Listening practice (in class by team)
4.TALK: Talk exactly what is being asked
- Understand expectation and provide enough information clearly and concisely
- Concise and clear way of taking (PREP)
- Verbal report practice (in team)
- Verbal report practice (in class by team)
5.WRITE: Clear, Specific, Concise, Logical
- List up, classify and select information, and construct story easy to be understood
- Steps to write brief memorandum
- Report writing practice (in team)
- Report writing practice (in class by team)
6.Workshop summary
- Summary of workshop
- Define improvement points for applying
- After workshop test
- Satisfaction survey